Robert Palmer’s videos are probably some of the most imitated in the history of music videos. And now, adding to the list of artists who have done that whole ‘women in leather, playing instruments” thing, comes R&B goddess Beyonce. And boy does she look like she’s not worried by what people see her wearing anymore.. Surely Beyonce’s Dad can’t be her manager anymore?!
Seriously, I really don’t know what to say about Greenlight by Beyonce. It’s kind of funky; nice brass section; decent beat; Beyonce’s vocals are, as always, excellent. But the video. Blimey. I’m in danger of losing any claim I have of being a feminist. But seriously, wow.
I’m not a gambling man, but I’d wager that Greenlight by Beyonce could prove to be one of the most succesful of all the videos that have been inspired by Robert Palmer’s 80s classics (even though I’ve only just seen it despite the fact that it appears to have come out ages ago). Although I’m not sure what kind of odds I’d get on that. Anyway, here you are – Beyonce ‘doing’ Greenlight is above & here’s Robert Palmer so that you can compare the two. On their relative artistic merits, obviously. Ahem.
PS – Why do record companies set up profiles on YouTube, post their videos, then disallow embedding? It’s like they’ve learned a language but not understood what any of the words mean.
Green light image by downing.amanda on Flickr