A while back I was doing quite a bit of writing for music site Fly and whilst a lot of the stuff I got was pretty average, there was album that really stuck with me. My Thing, the debut album by Finnish soul singer Tuomo, was an absolutely lovely record: not original or ground-breaking but stunningly put together and simply wonderful in just about every possible way. It’s been one of my favourite albums of the last few years and I’ve been looking forward to a follow up.
Well now it’s arrived, in the shape of Reaches Out For You and whilst it’s not (on the basis of about 5 listens) quite up to the standard of its predecessor, I still think it will be featuring highly in my end of year lists (and hopefully, if there’s any justice in the world, in those of the major music magazines too). What is frustrating about Tuomo is that I can’t see him perform any of the tracks from Reaches Out For You (such as the amazing Head Above The Water which you can see below), or My Thing, live.
Because it seems that whilst Tuomo tours his homeland incessantly (and was only kept off the number one spot in Finland by Bruce Springsteen) there seem to be no plans for him to come here to the UK where, I’m sure, his music would go down a storm with the soul-loving tribes on London. So after you’ve finished enjoying a live version of the title track from My Thing, why not leave a comment below saying how much you’d like to see this ginger Finnish soul sensation here in Blighty.
London bus image by doug88888 on flickr
Hi Ciaran, and thanks for the nice words about my albums.
I would love to come to London for some gigs, and believe me, we have tried to organize something for a long time. The problem is finding a venue that could pay enough to cover the expenses of travelling to the UK for a gig. We’re doing our best!
Maybe if keep spreading the word about the music, we’ll find something eventually. 😉