My Name Is Ciaran & I’m A Crack(berry) Addict

So I’m writing this on a train and it’s making me think that I really need to see if there are 12 steps to help me with my addiction.

When I first got a Blackberry I didn’t use it for much more than the game that comes on it (I can’t get past bloody level 5). But now I probably spend more time with it than my nearest and dearest.

The Facebook app allows me to easily update my status or upload photos; Twitter is just made for the Crackberry; and now, having logged in to check for comments to approve, it occurred to me that I could use it to blog.

Of course can and should are often entirely different things. Indeed as I see from some friends’ Twitter posts and Facebook comments, left last night after an afternoon of boozing, can often equates to shouldn’t.

But of course can normally means will, which is why little pieces of plastic, like the Blackberry, or my other phone (I know, who needs 2 phones?), the Nokia N73, will continue to change our lives & the way we communicate.

And they’ll mean that the bloke sitting opposite you on the Tube in the black coat, with the unread copy of yesterday’s paper on his lap, isn’t texting a friend, he’s posting meaningless thoughts for all the world to see. Maybe he should have stuck to BrickBreaker


  1. “Indeed as I see from some friends’ Twitter posts and Facebook comments, left last night after an afternoon of boozing, can often equates to shouldn’t.”

    Good lord, what did I say?!

  2. I know the feeling. I can’t turn the blackberry off, it makes me feel insecure – it’s my wifes 30th today and i’ve managed to keep it at home when we went out for a meal, but, well, it was hard work.


  3. @jane – nothing that bad!

    @James – it’s harder than giving up fags isn’t it?

    @Michael – tanks; just tried it but download didn’t seem to work – I’ll keep trying.

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