You know you’re in trouble when your own community sets up a fund to help you through the teething problems that come with exponential growth. But at the same time, surely the fact that your community is willing to stump up cash to keep a free service free, is a sign that you have an amazing product?
Twitterfund – Twitter needs you!
Twitter cartoon from gapingvoid
Nice one Ciaran.
Much appreciated.
Wondered about meeting up in the real world some time. Either at a do, or for a drink? Chris
Well I’ll be at the next LondonSEO which should be good
Well, since you’d have to pay ME to use Plurk…
Although, I’d have said the same thing about Twitter four months ago and now I’m on there, jonesing for a fight it seems. Time to stop drinking beer and going on the Internet 🙂
Not sure I’m hardcore SEO enough to qualify – but might pop down as it’s pretty much round the corner from work.