Last week I wrote about how inforgraphics are perfectly placed to let businesses create ideas that people love to share and, as if to prove my point, our very own Dubose Cole has created a couple of beautiful ones.
The first, which has already been picked up by TechCrunch, shows which transport hubs have received the most Foursquare check-ins. Interestingly, and something that brands will need to be aware of, the (non-existent) Oxford X has received about 24% of the number of check-ins that the (correctly named) Oxford Circus – if people don’t know the name of your brand/location/event, they won’t be able to tell their friends*.
The second one is likely to be of interest to a much smaller group of people but could, arguably, cause more of a stir. It shows which of London’s major comms agencies are checking in the most and has what some might consider to be surprising results.
At the moment it actually looks like the old guard are ruling the roost, with ‘traditional’ agencies (including our own) taking many of the top-slots. However, I wonder whether this might change if ranked against the size of each agency.
Dubose has said that he might consider this for a future iteration, so if you work in London’s adland, get spamming, I mean checking in, for a chance to get the (soon to be) coveted top spot for your agency.
*Via Twitter the FT’s tech correspondent Tim Bradshaw points out that Oxford X probably refers to the new X shaped pedestrian crossing at Oxford Circus. I still maintain that naming is, and will remain, an issue on foursquare, but more importantly, what sort of an idiot checks in whilst crossing the road? Don’t they know how dangerous that is?