I’ve spent a large part of the last couple of days at SMX London. It was the 2nd SMX in London and seemed to be a lot busier. And from the few panels I managed to attend, and from what a lot of people have said to me, it seemed as if the quality of content on offer was also much improved from last year.
All in all I had a great show and both of my presentations seemed to go down quite well. I’ll be writing these up in more detail over on the Altogether blog when I get a chance, but in the meantime you can check them out on Slideshare – both my one on social media marketing and optimising for YouTube. I shared these panels with some illustrious peers: Jane from SEOmoz, Andrew from bigmouthmedia as well as Brian from Performics – someone I’d not met before but had heard lots of good things about, all of which were true.
One of the best things for me about these events is the chance to meet up with old friends, put faces to the names of people I ‘know’ online and thereby make new friends. This time it was great to finally meet Patrick – a shit-hot blogger if ever there was one. I was annoyed that I missed Lyndon, who had made the trek up from Cornwall, but I did get to spend some time with Stephen, Richard, Rishil, Rob, Jay & Julie & many more besides.
I realise that I haven’t really discussed any of the sessions but due to a lot of meetings I didn’t make that many. Luckily Andrew & Richard did and they’ve both got some great write-ups. See you at SMX London 2009!
PS – the video at the top is our latest dothetest campaign – I managed to plug it in just about every session I attended, so figured I might as well do it in the write-up as well!
[…] SMX London 2008: Very Brief Recap […]