I just received an invite to a Facebook entitled Loving the myla Christmas Calendar which lead me to a rather neat, if hardly ground-breaking, bit of marketing.
The MYLA Advent Calendar is a very pretty Flash site which allows users to open doors for the 12 days of Christmas. But rather than each one hiding a festive picture and a piece of cheap chocolate, they instead have some rather saucy videos of models trying on MYLA’s lingerie, at the same time as looking breathless in the way that only lingerie models can.
As with Wonderbra’s take-off the Cadbury’s Gorilla ad from last Christmas (which you can see below despite Phil Collins’ best efforts and which I’ve just found out was done by Woo, one the sister agencies of the one I work for) it’s obviously aimed at men more than women. Still, with news of the recession getting more depressing every day, and newspapers telling us that people are going to stop going out and start looking for entertainment at home, I think that this could well be an inspired bit of marketing.
After all giving your beloved a set of MYLA lingerie (or winning £200 of the stuff via the on-site competition) could certainly result in a more interesting way of passing Boxing Day than eating cold turkey & playing Trivial Pursuit.