I can’t say that I’m a huge gaming fan, so the fuss about the release of GTA IV hasn’t really hit me that much. But if there’s 2 things I like it’s great ads and great tunes. GTA IV has both of these.
The clip above is the TV ad for GTA IV which is on heavy rotation here in the UK. Not only do I love the way it mirrors a movie trailer, following the main character around the city, I’ve also become rather obsessed with the backing track.
And now, thanks to the wonder of Google I’ve found out that it’s the track Get Innocuous by LCD Soundsystem. I really should have recognised it as Get Innocuous is the opening track on the album Sound of Silver which I’ve got. I guess it was probably due to the fact that I was so in love with the track All My Friends that I ended up listening to that on repeat, rather than any of the other tracks on the album. Well, I’ve heard it now and it rocks. Enjoy.
I could’ve written the same thoughts on the GTAiv Get Innocuous track by LCD Soundsystem.
I’ve been obsessed with finding out what the ad track is. I enjoy the GTA 4 ad as much as the programs in-between its showings!
GTA4’as already sold 1 Million in the UK. I’ve never bought a game, but that ad makes me want to have a go on it!
Nice blog btw Ciaran! :o)
Glad you like it! I’m going to put Sound of Silver back on heavy rotation I think!
thishereboogie wrote a good article about the tune. It’s such a great listen, and it’s good to see it getting more exposure through association with GTA4. Which, by the way, is a great game 🙂